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lisa jacobs


Professional Organizer
lisa jacobs


Professional Organizer

Shame on mom-shamers. Experienced their wrath? Share your story.

Never experienced the mom hater wrath.


Mothers who inspire me are those who truly appreciate the connection with a child, accept the challenges faced day to day basically shaping a humans life, works at balancing her growth with her child’s. In other words those women who don’t take being a mother for granted. It is a blessing and a profession.

Sometimes we're all BAD MUTHAs (as we should be). When did you go against traditional advice?

I have many times throughout the years while raising my children disciplined from emotion rather than sensibility. Instead of tough love, I gave into the terrorism and broke down. The lessons I tried to teach in other words were for the most part effective, but not always. Hey we are human. The kids are now adults and the work never stops. I still parent and advice literally all the time. I’m that kind of mother and woman.

Shame on mom-shamers. Experienced their wrath? Share your story.

Never experienced the mom hater wrath.


Mothers who inspire me are those who truly appreciate the connection with a child, accept the challenges faced day to day basically shaping a humans life, works at balancing her growth with her child’s. In other words those women who don’t take being a mother for granted. It is a blessing and a profession.

Sometimes we're all BAD MUTHAs (as we should be). When did you go against traditional advice?

I have many times throughout the years while raising my children disciplined from emotion rather than sensibility. Instead of tough love, I gave into the terrorism and broke down. The lessons I tried to teach in other words were for the most part effective, but not always. Hey we are human. The kids are now adults and the work never stops. I still parent and advice literally all the time. I’m that kind of mother and woman.

"Be a present mom, parent with love, discipline, boundaries and create your own relationship based on your child, not society’s child."

"Be a present mom, parent with love, discipline, boundaries and create your own relationship based on your child, not society’s child."

Better worlds start with better moms. How can the motherhood community improve?

The community can only improve when mothers take responsibilities for raising their own children. When it left to others to be present the authenticity of motherhood is not authentic.

We all need a champion. Who in your life consistently supports your full spectrum of parenting choices?

Honestly, my kids are my champions. As grownups they now discuss the importance of family and their life with me as their mom. They are proud.

Reverse that. Who in your life do you support without judgement?

The reverse is the same answer. I support them as adults without judgement. Guidance and support is a discussion we engage in . in this way there is no room for judgement.
Rewind. Has your mother ever shared a moment about her being a BAD MUTHA?
She might have but honestly the decades were so long ago and she made very many mistakes. Motherhood did not have the importance it has today. Women had babies because they were supposed to. Pathetic. Thankfully this is history.
Fast forward. What parenting insight will you share with your child if/when they become a parent?
My insight.. be a present mom, parent with love, discipline, boundaries and create your own relationship based on your child, not society’s child. Know when to take control and know when to let them fly. Educate by example, words do not penetrate. Share experiences, family, and express your feelings. organic at this The balance of work and motherhood is tricky so make certain you are ready for the challenge otherwise don’t deny yourself if you are financially able, to be a stay at home mom. It is a wonderful profession.

How do you like to MUTHA yourself and ensure you still have some 'me' time?

For me it has been organize. I dedicated decades to being a stay at home mom. When I made the leap to be the working mom I was deliberate in the timing. Now I understand the importance of balance for my well being.

Better worlds start with better moms. How can the motherhood community improve?

The community can only improve when mothers take responsibilities for raising their own children. When it left to others to be present the authenticity of motherhood is not authentic.

We all need a champion. Who in your life consistently supports your full spectrum of parenting choices?

Honestly, my kids are my champions. As grownups they now discuss the importance of family and their life with me as their mom. They are proud.

Reverse that. Who in your life do you support without judgement?

The reverse is the same answer. I support them as adults without judgement. Guidance and support is a discussion we engage in . in this way there is no room for judgement.
Rewind. Has your mother ever shared a moment about her being a BAD MUTHA?
She might have but honestly the decades were so long ago and she made very many mistakes. Motherhood did not have the importance it has today. Women had babies because they were supposed to. Pathetic. Thankfully this is history.
Fast forward. What parenting insight will you share with your child if/when they become a parent?
My insight.. be a present mom, parent with love, discipline, boundaries and create your own relationship based on your child, not society’s child. Know when to take control and know when to let them fly. Educate by example, words do not penetrate. Share experiences, family, and express your feelings. organic at this The balance of work and motherhood is tricky so make certain you are ready for the challenge otherwise don’t deny yourself if you are financially able, to be a stay at home mom. It is a wonderful profession.

How do you like to MUTHA yourself and ensure you still have some 'me' time?

For me it has been organize. I dedicated decades to being a stay at home mom. When I made the leap to be the working mom I was deliberate in the timing. Now I understand the importance of balance for my well being.


lisa jacobs
Professional Organizer
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lisa jacobs
Professional Organizer
ivey leidy
Integrative Health Coach & Creator, Living with Ivey
kaki swid
Model & Screenwriter