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sivan ayla richards


Co-Founder, + LUX UNFILTERED & Founder + Designer, TAN + LINES
sivan ayla richards


Co-Founder, + LUX UNFILTERED & Founder + Designer, TAN + LINES

When did you launch your business? What is the message behind your brand?

I launched both of my businesses (+ Lux Unfiltered & Tan + Lines) in 2019. I wanted to create an extension of what I portray online in form of products that my audience could obtain and connect with me on a tangible level. I’m all about attainable luxury and both of my brands are exactly that. + Lux Unfiltered was created to make you feel your most confident self through products that are not only great for your skin, but also very aesthetically pleasing. Tan + Lines supports your inner badass through swim and sportwear that allows you to live your life comfortably while also looking super cute!

What were defining moments in your career that taught you the biggest lessons?

When I launched my first my collection for Tan + Lines we sold out in a matter of minutes. I was blown away by the response and support for something I worked so hard to create. I learned in that moment that my audience truly trusts me, which is something I’ll never take for granted. I would never do something to jeopardize the relationship I have built with my community, so listening to their feedback and creating quality products that I truly believe in will always be the priority. This mindset has applied to every collection and product I’ve released since for both brands.


Being a mother of 2 I have received my fair share of advice both from my online community and people in my inner circle. It can be very overwhelming but I’m the type pf person that trusts their gut and ultimately goes with what feels right to me. I struggled to nurse both of my babies because they were both born on the smaller side, and so I’ve decided to exclusively pump. Both times I received tremendous judgement, and while initially it had me questioning my choices, I know I made the right decision for my babies and myself.

When did you launch your business? What is the message behind your brand?

I launched both of my businesses (+ Lux Unfiltered & Tan + Lines) in 2019. I wanted to create an extension of what I portray online in form of products that my audience could obtain and connect with me on a tangible level. I’m all about attainable luxury and both of my brands are exactly that. + Lux Unfiltered was created to make you feel your most confident self through products that are not only great for your skin, but also very aesthetically pleasing. Tan + Lines supports your inner badass through swim and sportwear that allows you to live your life comfortably while also looking super cute!

What were defining moments in your career that taught you the biggest lessons?

When I launched my first my collection for Tan + Lines we sold out in a matter of minutes. I was blown away by the response and support for something I worked so hard to create. I learned in that moment that my audience truly trusts me, which is something I’ll never take for granted. I would never do something to jeopardize the relationship I have built with my community, so listening to their feedback and creating quality products that I truly believe in will always be the priority. This mindset has applied to every collection and product I’ve released since for both brands.


Being a mother of 2 I have received my fair share of advice both from my online community and people in my inner circle. It can be very overwhelming but I’m the type pf person that trusts their gut and ultimately goes with what feels right to me. I struggled to nurse both of my babies because they were both born on the smaller side, and so I’ve decided to exclusively pump. Both times I received tremendous judgement, and while initially it had me questioning my choices, I know I made the right decision for my babies and myself.

"Find something that you’re extremely passionate about and go for it. Don’t let fear of judgement or failure hold you back."

"Find something that you’re extremely passionate about and go for it. Don’t let fear of judgement or failure hold you back."

We all need a champion. Who in your life has consistently supported you?

My own Mutha (or Mommy as I like to call her) has always supported all of my decisions, even if they didn’t always pan out. I think there is something admirable about being able to support someone without allowing your own judgement to interfere. It’s something I personally struggle to do because I always want everyone in my life to make the best decisions. But sometimes you have to let others figure things out on their own and that is the best form of support.

Reverse that. Who in your life do you support without judgement?

There are some people in your life that just KNOW what they want and there’s no changing their minds. My best friend Lily is one of these people. She is decisive and confident in her choices (in her personal life and in business) and I will forever be her cheerleader without judgement. As I mentioned, sometimes the best support you can offer is just to be there for someone as they navigate through their own shit and figure things out.

Rewind. What is the best advice you’ve received throughout your life?

It’s hard to land on one piece of advice, but something that always applies to my life and seems to be the right route for me is NOT forcing things. Allowing things to happen naturally and organically on their own timeline. I find that when I force the issue things tend to go wrong.
Fast forward. What insight can you give to aspiring women in their careers who want to be a leader in their space?
Find something that you’re extremely passionate about and go for it. Don’t let fear of judgement or failure hold you back. When I started my blog and had zero readership I didn’t let that stop me or make me feel insignificant. Sticking with my passion, and doing it for the love of creating, is how my platform enabled me to start 2 brands that now provide for my entire family.
When I only had one child it was a lot easier to find Me Time. I would take baths after bedtime, get a massage, have cocktails with girlfriends, etc. Now with 2…well, I’m still figuring it out. We are in the newborn stage, where things are a little unpredictable, but I’m hoping once we reach a good sleeping schedule I’ll be able to resume date nights and some relaxing self care again. It’s so important to also prioritize yourself. If YOU are not happy / rested / recovered it will seep into other areas of your life (specifically while parenting). My goal is to always be my best self for my kids so taking time for myself truly is a need, not just a want. I’ll keep you posted on how I find time for myself in a few weeks. 😉

What is your secret to managing motherhood, career and relationships?

I can’t even pretend that having help is not a huge reason I’m able to juggle my career while having 2 kids. I would never be able to do both 100% - something would have to suffer and I’m not willing to let that happen to either my kids OR my businesses. I have an incredible support system thanks to my family and so that allows me to feel comfortable working during the week while my kids are in good hands. My husband and I are business partners so it’s always a challenge finding quality time outside of parenting and working together, but we both make it a priority to disconnect from both in order to keep our relationship alive. It’s not easy, but consciously making the effort is the first step.

Anything else you want to share about your story or motherhood?

People always ask how I stay motivated to continue building my brands while always managing to have 2 kids, a husband, a social life, and keep my mental sanity. Well, the answer is pretty simple. I aspire to make my kids proud of my accomplishments and be viewed as a badass mutha in their eyes. I want to give them the best life possible and in turn that means working my ass off to make that happen. I always say that if you pursue your passion it will never feel like work, and that is the secret to always pushing forward.

We all need a champion. Who in your life has consistently supported you?

My own Mutha (or Mommy as I like to call her) has always supported all of my decisions, even if they didn’t always pan out. I think there is something admirable about being able to support someone without allowing your own judgement to interfere. It’s something I personally struggle to do because I always want everyone in my life to make the best decisions. But sometimes you have to let others figure things out on their own and that is the best form of support.

Reverse that. Who in your life do you support without judgement?

There are some people in your life that just KNOW what they want and there’s no changing their minds. My best friend Lily is one of these people. She is decisive and confident in her choices (in her personal life and in business) and I will forever be her cheerleader without judgement. As I mentioned, sometimes the best support you can offer is just to be there for someone as they navigate through their own shit and figure things out.

Rewind. What is the best advice you’ve received throughout your life?

It’s hard to land on one piece of advice, but something that always applies to my life and seems to be the right route for me is NOT forcing things. Allowing things to happen naturally and organically on their own timeline. I find that when I force the issue things tend to go wrong.
Fast forward. What insight can you give to aspiring women in their careers who want to be a leader in their space?
Find something that you’re extremely passionate about and go for it. Don’t let fear of judgement or failure hold you back. When I started my blog and had zero readership I didn’t let that stop me or make me feel insignificant. Sticking with my passion, and doing it for the love of creating, is how my platform enabled me to start 2 brands that now provide for my entire family.
When I only had one child it was a lot easier to find Me Time. I would take baths after bedtime, get a massage, have cocktails with girlfriends, etc. Now with 2…well, I’m still figuring it out. We are in the newborn stage, where things are a little unpredictable, but I’m hoping once we reach a good sleeping schedule I’ll be able to resume date nights and some relaxing self care again. It’s so important to also prioritize yourself. If YOU are not happy / rested / recovered it will seep into other areas of your life (specifically while parenting). My goal is to always be my best self for my kids so taking time for myself truly is a need, not just a want. I’ll keep you posted on how I find time for myself in a few weeks. 😉

What is your secret to managing motherhood, career and relationships?

I can’t even pretend that having help is not a huge reason I’m able to juggle my career while having 2 kids. I would never be able to do both 100% - something would have to suffer and I’m not willing to let that happen to either my kids OR my businesses. I have an incredible support system thanks to my family and so that allows me to feel comfortable working during the week while my kids are in good hands. My husband and I are business partners so it’s always a challenge finding quality time outside of parenting and working together, but we both make it a priority to disconnect from both in order to keep our relationship alive. It’s not easy, but consciously making the effort is the first step.

Anything else you want to share about your story or motherhood?

People always ask how I stay motivated to continue building my brands while always managing to have 2 kids, a husband, a social life, and keep my mental sanity. Well, the answer is pretty simple. I aspire to make my kids proud of my accomplishments and be viewed as a badass mutha in their eyes. I want to give them the best life possible and in turn that means working my ass off to make that happen. I always say that if you pursue your passion it will never feel like work, and that is the secret to always pushing forward.


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lisa jacobs
Professional Organizer
ivey leidy
Integrative Health Coach & Creator, Living with Ivey
kaki swid
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